Nature's Reflection


  1. hi there,i like to know if this pic made in studio or outdoor? where Jason from? good job!

  2. Hello! my son and i where near Covelo last june! and we like to know where the photos where made? excellent job i have to say! Jason Dean verry hot model! oups just love it!

  3. I just look at your slide show... i love it
    this is made in US? you are so ciout!!! what`s the name of the photographer? love the one on top of the water...

  4. rockon dude! awesome pictures Tristan covelo is a special place Un Tom

  5. Jason,
    I think you are The Most Handsome Man Ive ever seen. The use of nature and light is perfect in this series. A beautiful collaberation between model and photographer. When will will see more photos? Would love to see you in the next Dieux du Stade Calendar. Alex-San Diego


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