A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.

Water is an unstoppable force in Nature.
Nothing moves human emotion more than the rolling tides of the Ocean.


  1. hola quiero saber de donde jason es y si hay más fotos de ver? congretulation tanto jason como fotógrafo... Anita Barcelona

  2. Good work!!! how do we know more about photographer and model? all my co workers are geting crazy! Samy-likeside

  3. Jason looks amazing. The decision to incorporate 4 Nature elements has resulted in exquisite photos. Truly Beautiful!!

  4. Hello everyone!!! Thank you very much for your beautiful comments!!! I appreciate all the kind words from everyone :) I am from san diego,ca but I am citizen of the world. I've been to a few different countries and am currently anxiously awaiting my visit to your country :) Just for your information, none of the animals or settins were artifficial....solamente natural light and outdoors in our lovely mother nature. Raw Nature! Thank you for all the support!! Jason Dean

  5. I love 6 pics in this album! love the pic with the fire!


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